Parole Board

1. My first visit before the Parole Board of Canada was on the 5th Day of November 2014. It was Guy Fawkes Day and quite apt for what was to follow. By the time of that first hearing I had been an inmate in Drumheller Prison for 11 months. I’d also acquired a lot of information, documents and knowledge. My first parole hearing should have been in the previous May. (more to follow on that).

2. I attended at that November Parole Hearing armed to the teeth with lots of materials, information, my prepared documents and true facts. They clearly outlined the reasons why I should be granted parole, as well as clearly detailing the abuses and wanton criminal acts being committed by prison guards and staff. Not only against myself, but also against other inmates. Also showing these acts were pandemic within Drumheller prison.

3. That Parole Board hearing was held before members of the Parole Board of Canada and was also audio and video taped. To say that by the end of my hearing the members of the Parole Board were scrambling and stuttering would be an understatement.

4. I made sure that what I wanted to present was presented in full. I also made sure that the members of the Parole Board took possession of the materials that I had brought to the hearing, that backed up my statements. I requested that they take immediate action and instigate immediate investigations into what they now knew.

5. I also requested verbally at that time and in a letter to the Parole Board of Canada for a full complete copy of the Audio and Video recording (CD Disc) of my hearing, which is my right and which by law they had to produce.

6. One month later, on the 3rd Day of December 2014, I received a letter from the Parole Board of Canada which stated the following…

Dear Mr. Kelly: This is in response to your request for a copy of the original digital recording of the Parole Board of Canada hearing dated November 5th, 2014. Following a search in response to your request, the Parole Board of Canada is unable to provide you with a copy of the tape as a malfunction occurred with the transferring of the recording device to file“.

7. Out of all of the Canada Parole Board hearings that took place that week. The recording of my hearing was the only one to malfunction and be destroyed.

8. Further, all of the documents and materials that the Parole Board of Canada members received from me that day, also disappeared. That’s if they ever left the inside of Drumheller prison at all.

The RCMP IN Drumheller who were fully aware of the above assisted in the cover-up. Others who were fully aware of the above (including my Appeal lawyer Robert MacKenzie) failed and or refused to act on what they knew. That continues to this day, and the crooked and corrupt officials, are left free to carry on, with their abusive and criminal acts, with impunity.

Much Much more to follow: